Adam Bede - Part 02
by George Eliot (1819 - 1880)
The Next Morning - 18:29
The Delivery of the Letter (Chapter XXX!)- 26:45
In Hetty's Bed-Chamber - 20:05
Mrs. Poyser "Has Her Say Out" - 23:05
More Links - 15:15
The Betrothal - :09:31
The Hidden Dread - 12:18
The Journey of Hope - 20:07
The Journey in Despair - 31:10
The Quest - 35:19
The Tidings - 15:49
The Bitter Waters Spread - 20:06
The Eve of the Trial - 13:33
The Morning of the Trial - 10:44
The Verdict - 17:32
Arthur's Return - 18:35
In the Prison - 27:34
The Hours of Suspense - 15:27
The Last Moment - 03:01
Another Meeting in the Wood - 23:50
At the Hall Farm - 26:50
In the Cottage - 24:13
Sunday Morning - 26:35
Adam and Dinah - 19:46
The Harvest Supper - 30:47
The Meeting on the Hill - 14:42
Marriage Bells - 07:02
Epilogue - 08:13